General Information
KVK number 71480447
Btw NL004432244B60

Why colors look bit different than on the pictures?
Sometimes it’s hard to capture the vibrant colors from the prints especially fluor colors. I try my best to show the prints as accurate as possible but some colors may vary from as displayed on monitors.

What payment methods do you accept?
Currently accepting Ideal, PayPal, I-Pay, Visa, Mastercard, AMEX.

How are prints packaged for shipment?
Prints are carefully packaged in a firm cardboard envelope or box.

What are the shipping costs?
For the Netherlands shipping costs are €4,25 letterbox mailbox and €6,95 for parcel box.
For Europe shipping costs are calcutated in the check-out menu, for outside Europe, you can send an email for further information.
Free shipping for orders above €70,00.
You can also pick up your order in Rotterdam. Please send me a message so we can arrange a suitable time and date.

Can I track my order?
Track and Trace code will be provided.

When is my purchase being shipped?
Orders are shipped within 2 days after the order is placed. Orders placed in the weekend might take longer to arrive. If there is an unexpected delay where it takes longer for the order to be shipped, you will be notified.

Can I return my purchase?
You can return your order within 14 days of receipt, without giving a reason, you will receive the paid amount refunded to your account. Buyers will be responsible for return costs, unfortunately, I cannot credit returns that are not carefully packaged and/or damaged.
If you need to return anything, contact me and I will provide you with the return address.